Publicity Shots - 7903 (c) Kaupo KikkasDrop ShadowSIMONCALLAGHANpianist


Malaysia flyer
Aug 2024

Masterclasses & Recitals in Malaysia

I'm very pleased to be returning to Malaysia in October, after a quite a few years! I'm looking forward to two recitals, some masterclasses, workshops for teachers and competition adjudication... and food, of course!
Instagram July August 2024
Aug 2024

August/September Events

A relatively calm summer ahead, and a long-overdue holiday on the horizon ⛱️... but still some lovely events to look forward to!
Coco Echoes cover
Aug 2024

New album with Coco Tomita

A first peek at the cover for ‘Echoes’ 💫
Instagram July 2024
Jul 2024

July 2024 Events

Some really nice events to look forward to in July, not least my first time performing in Dubai! I'll return to wonderful Aujols too, for a solo recital and a concert with Raphael Wallfisch. Finally, I look forward to working with some really gifted pieces and to giving a recital for Lot Music - a fun and varied month ahead!
Reinecke Sauer cover
Jun 2024

Reinecke & Sauer in Gramophone

I'm so pleased with this review from Gramophone for my recent release on Hyperion! Have you heard it yet?
May 2024 concerts instagram
May 2024

June 2024 Concerts

I'm really looking forward to lots of wonderful events in June! Back to Wyastone in two weeks' time to record some George Lloyd with the amazing violinist Ruth Rogers, then straight to Cervo for my annual visit to the wonderful chamber music festival organised by Karel Bredenhorst! Later in the month I'll be sitting on the jury for two fantastic competitions in Birmingham and Manchester, before returning to London to close the month with two colourful and exciting chamber programmes.
May 2024

Dyson Piano Music soon to be available in print!

The Dyson Music Trust have just announced that they are soon to release a new publication of Dyson’s works for solo piano! When I made my recording of his complete piano music for SOMM in 2020, much of the music was out of print, so I’m delighted that it will now be available for more pianists to enjoy!
Classical New Releases May 2024
May 2024

Spotify Classical New Releases Playlist

My new Hyperion album of Reinecke and Sauer concertos is featured on the Spotify Classical New Releases Playlist!
Cervo Chamber Music
May 2024

Cervo Chamber Music 2024

The programme for Cervo Chamber Music 2024 has been announced! Find out more on my Schedule page, or on the festival's website. Friends in Italy: see you there!
BBC Composer of the Week
May 2024

Maconchy on Radio 3

Elizabeth Maconchy is Composer of the Week on BBC Radio 3 🥰 I'm so pleased that my recording of Concertino No.2 with Martyn Brabbins & the BBC National Orchestra of Wales featured in the 1st episode! Our premiere recording took pride of place on the 1st volume of my series with Lyrita Records.
The Guardian logo square
May 2024

Cyril Scott in The Guardian

Thanks so much to Fiona Maddocks for including my Cyril Scott album in yesterdays Observer, the same review appearing in The Guardian.
NI8110 Cover
May 2024

Performance of Rachmaninoff in Italy

Our Rachmaninoff arrangement is getting around: thanks so much to Daniel Rivera and Misha Dacic for their hard work and fantastic playing here!
May 2024 Concerts website
May 2024

May 2024 Concerts

So much to look forward to this month! please check my Schedule page for full details.
Gallery - Parnassius Duo in Field
May 2024

More Reviews for Danza Gaya

I'm so happy to report that my album with Hiro Takenouchi, 'Danza Gaya' has received some fantastic reviews since its release two months ago!
Reinecke Sauer cover
Apr 2024

Hyperion Album Single Available

My next album in Hyperion's wonderful The Romantic Piano Concerto series will be release on 7 June 2024, comprising the completion of our complete Reinecke concerto cycle and the much underrated Second Piano Concerto by Emil von Sauer. You can hear one of the movements from the Sauer on streaming, in this recently-released single:
Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 12.08.18
Mar 2024

Madeleine Dring Videos

I'm very pleased to share two behind-the-scenes videos from my recent recording with Hiro Takenouchi! I'm sure you'll love these Madeleine Dring pieces as much as we do!
April 2024 Concerts Instagram
Mar 2024

April 2024 Concerts

Lots to look forward to next month, including a trip to Tokyo and Taiwan with Cunard Cruises (with a few recitals thrown in between sightseeing and searching for delicious food!)
Coco Simon
Mar 2024

Janáček Violin Sonata

My new video of the wonderful Janáček Violin Sonata with Coco Tomita is now available to watch on YouTube!
Projects -Parnassius Duo
Mar 2024

Danza Gaya on Interlude

Thanks so much to Interlude for this feature article on our recent album, Danza Gaya!
Rachmaninoff in Japan
Mar 2024

Rachmaninoff in Japan

I’m really pleased and excited to see that our Rachmaninoff Symphony arrangement is to get a performance in Japan on 16 March, by pianists Akira Naito and Yusuke Murakami!
Danza Gaya cover
Mar 2024

The first review is in!

Danza GayaI was so pleased to receive this lovely review from Textura for my new album with Hiro Takenouchi, Danza Gaya!
March 2024 Concerts Instagram
Mar 2024

March 2024 Concerts

March is going to be an extremely busy but also exciting month! 3 fabulous concertos and some exquisite chamber music with lovely colleagues. Hope to see you there!
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Feb 2024

New Videos with Coco Tomita

It was super fun to spend a couple of hours Conway Hall last week with Coco Tomita making some new videos! Here are some 'behind the scenes' pics taken by Kan Tomita... We look forward to sharing the fruits of our labour with you soon...
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Great MemoriesFeb 2024

Two Weeks Since Wigmore Hall Recital

I can’t believe my Wigmore Hall recital was already two weeks ago! I was delighted with this review by Robert Hugill, and by all the lovely comments especially from those who enjoyed Cyril Scott’s Sonata! Quite a long piece to get one’s head around, but full of beauty, virtuosity and drama. I hope to play it again soon!
Cyril Scott Cover
Feb 2024

New Spotify Single!

A few weeks ago, I was honoured to perform Cyril Scott’s First Piano Sonata on the Wigmore Hall stage - the very place it received its premiere almost 115 years ago!
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Feb 2024

Wigmore Hall Recital

Thank you to everyone who came!Thank you so much to everyone who came to my recital yesterday at Wigmore Hall! It was a joy to be able to present Cyril Scott’s monumental First Piano Sonata alongside music of his contemporaries, especially to such a warm, receptive and enthusiastic audience. It was really touching too, to see so many wonderful friends there. A concert experience that I won’t get over for quite some time!
2024 Radio Belgrade
Jan 2024

Album featured on Radio Belgrade

Accordion and Piano with Miloš MilivojevićIt was nice to hear that my Saint-Saëns, Guilmant and Franck album (on Nimbus) with Milos was featured on Radio Belgrade 3 recently! You can read the article here, and find out more about the release on my CD page.
February 2024 Concerts Instagram
Jan 2024

February 2024 Concerts

I’d really love to see you at some of these performances in February! An exciting month ahead - for full details please see my schedule page.
240127 Brahms 2 in Colchester
Jan 2024

Brahms 2 Debut!

My first performance of a masterpieceLast Saturday I had a great time playing Brahms’ 2nd Piano Concerto with my friends at the Colchester Symphony Orchestra - my first performance of this great work - and certainly not the last! I can’t wait to play it again!!
240128 Carducci Quartet Shropshire
Jan 2024

Schumann with the Carducci Quartet

A lovely review for a sold-out concertLast Sunday I returned to Shrewsbury School, for a wonderful sold-out concert with my dear friends, the Carducci Quartet. I was really pleased to receive this lovely review from Simon Cousins!
January Concert Graphic
Jan 2024

January Concerts

Some dates for your diariesHappy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I’m feeling well-rested and looking forward to some fantastic concerts in 2024. Do let me know if you’re planning to come along - it would be great to see you there!
Alvars R3
Greatest ShowstoppersDec 2023

Parish Alvars on BBC Radio3

So pleased to see that Elias Parish Alvars has been featured on Composer of the Week, as part of their series, ‘Greatest Showstoppers’! If you didn’t catch the episode earlier this week, you can listen back until 26 Jan on BBC iPlayer. I really enjoyed getting to know his music with Clíodna Shanahan when we made our recording for Lyrita in 2021, and you can hear our recording of the ‘Grand Duo on Linda di Chamonix’ from c. 17m. It’s a funny, dramatic, virtuosic piece and I’d love to know what you think!
Gallery - City Halls wide shot
Dec 2023

Coke Concertos set for release on Spotify!

My first Hyperion recording available for streaming26 January 2024 will see the release on Spotify of my first album for Hyperion, of Roger Sacheverell Coke’s Piano Concertos. Recorded in 2016 with Martyn Brabbins and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, the project was truly a labour of love: as well as creating new scores and parts from Coke’s manuscripts, I also went on to do my PhD on the composer and made further recordings on SOMM and Lyrita.
Highgate with Rowan Atkinson
VideoDec 2023

Schubert with Rowan Atkinson

One year on from a very memorable performanceI can’t believe it’s already been a year since our performance at the Highgate Festival 2022, raising money for Food Bank Aid. Ben Gilmore, Ashok Klouda and I performed Schubert’s glorious B flat trio, each movement of which was interspersed with readings about Schubert’s life and music, read impeccably by Rowan Atkinson CBE. You can watch a snippet from this performance below!
090517 Cyril Scott flyer
Wigmore Hall RecitalDec 2023

Please join me at Wigmore Hall on 3 Feb!

Cyril Scott's First Sonata in ContextCyril Scott was a pianist-composer with a strong link to Wigmore Hall. He premiered his First Sonata Op. 66 at Bechstein Hall on 17 May 1909. The programme for my Wigmore Hall recital on 3 February 2024 sets this large-scale 20th century piano sonata in the context of composers who influenced and were admired by Scott.
Reinecke vol 1 (low res cover)
InterviewFeb 2023

Presto Classical Feature

A new interview, delving into the background and music of this fascinating composer.I was delighted to talk to Presto Classical's Katherine Cooper about Carl Reinecke!
Andrew McGregor Record Review
Record ReviewJan 2023

Reinecke on Radio 3 'Record Review

It was an honour to be included in Andrew McGregor's round-up of new releases!I've been so pleased with the reception of my new Hyperion album since its release on 6 Jan. You can hear the beautiful slow movement from Reinecke's first piano concerto on this broadcast, as well as some lovely comments from Andrew McGregor.
CompetitionJan 2023

The Clements Prize 2023

Conway Hall's bi-annual prize for composersConway Hall Sunday Concerts is pleased to invite young composers to submit a work for piano trio to The Clements Prize 2023. Up to 8 submissions will be selected, and will be performed by the Fidelio Trio at the final round in Conway Hall’s Main Hall at 6.30pm on 5 November 2023.
Logos - bbc-radio3
BroadcastOct 2022

Coke on Radio3

A chance to revisit Coke's Preludes on his 110th birthdayIt was very kind of the BBC Philharmonic and BBC Radio3 to broadcast my recording of Roger Sacheverell Coke's Preludes during the interval of their wonderful concert in Nottingham last night!
Cervo Chamber Music
AnnouncementMay 2022

Cervo Chamber Music 2022

The return of Cervo Chamber Music after a long break!I'm so pleased to share the news that the programme for Cervo Chamber Music 2022 has been announced! Please visit my schedule page for more information.
NIMBUS Schubert front cover
New RecordingJan 2022

Schubert Duets on Nimbus

Now available!A new recording, born as a natural 'lockdown project' for me and my dear friend Adrian Farmer, in whose home I lived for quite some time during covid-19! I feel very lucky to have made several new albums during this time and the opportunity to record these two masterpieces was very special indeed!
PlaylistOct 2021

Playlist by Nimbus Records

A new playlist for your delectation!Thanks so much to Nimbus Records for creating this new playlist, featuring some of my tracks from albums on their label as well as on Lyrita and SOMM.
Holbrooke Cover
New AlbumOct 2021

Holbrooke Late Piano Works

Released on Lyrita this month!The music on this album dates from the composer’s later years, and are largely based on themes from his earlier successes. The inspiration for Holbrooke’s music was almost always literary; hence, the large number of symphonic poems and pieces with literary titles or subtitles in his work list.
Back in the Studio!Jul 2021

A New Recording

With Martyn Brabbins and the BBC National Orchestra of WalesI'm so excited to have spent the last two days at BBC Hoddinott Hall in Cardiff, making an eclectic new recording for Lyrita. The programme includes pieces for piano and small orchestra by Elizabeth Maconchy, Edmund Rubbra, Arthur Benjamin, Geoffrey Bush, Humphrey Searle and John Addison - and I was joined by the 'dream team' - Martyn Brabbins and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.
Fenella Humphreys
ChatMay 2021

Chat with Fenella Humphreys

A lovely catch-up to start the Bank Holiday weekendI had a lovely time on Saturday morning, chatting with violinist Fenella Humphreys about recording, performing, coronavirus and lots more! It’s such a pleasure to be able to share these insights with my Patreon supporters - you can find out more here >
Conway Hall March 2021
livestreamMar 2021

Conway Hall Recital

A special concert in a beautiful hallThank you so much to everyone who tuned in to watch my live-streamed concert from Conway Hall yesterday! It was certainly sad to be in that beautiful hall without the audience, but I really enjoyed playing and it was so nice to receive lots of lovely messages afterwards! Hopefully it won't be long before we are able to welcome an audience again - in fact if all goes well, we'll be able to do just that for the final concert of our season, given by the Oculi Ensemble on 30 May. There are three more live-streamed concerts between now and then though, so please continue to support Conway Hall. It really helps!
Alfred Clements
competitionDec 2020

The Clements Prize

The re-launch of an historic competitionNext year at Conway Hall, we are proud to announce the re-launch of The Clements Prize for Composers, which will appeal to young composers to write a new work for string trio and which will coincide with a special exhibition of scores from the Conway Hall Archive.
Scala Radio
articleDec 2020

Scala Radio

Talking about our new releaseTalking a little about 'Babar', the book that inspired it and what it was like to record it
Gallery - Piatti and Simon
new seasonDec 2020

Spring 2021 at Conway Hall

Presenting a limited series of concerts via YouTube Live and - subject to government guidance - a physical audienceSimon's introduction to the season:
VideoDec 2020

Christmas Dawn

A new piece by Richard BlackfordIt was lovely to spend the day a few weeks ago with wonderful composer Richard Blackford, recording a beautiful new piece he wrote for Christmas.